Finance 3 min read

5 Things You Must Do To Save Money Immediately

5 Things You Must Do To Save Money Immediately
Published on May 15, 2020
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All of us would love to be able to save money. At the same time, we also aren’t quite sure what to do with such a desire. Obviously, we are aware of things like discount codes and general bargain-hunting measures. The problem is that many of us also feel as though we are just scratching the surface of our money-saving potential. 


The truth of the matter is that you probably are. While there are a number of small measures you can do to save money, there are also things you can change about the way you approach shopping in the first place.


In other words, there are a lot of ways to save by simply not buying certain items. Exploring alternatives and showing restraint can help you to build up some savings in fairly straightforward, hassle-free fashion.


Unnecessary purchases are one of the biggest ways we waste money from one month to the next. While this sounds like a pretty broad topic, we have come up with a few easy things you can stop buying to save money with relative ease:


Earn freebies buying what you like:


There’s a great way to reduce the amount you spend on the things you love to buy. Signing up for a program such as Swagbucks can generate free gift cards, discounts, and specials by simply taking part in online surveys and the like. A few minutes of your time each day can cut back on your expenses to a significant degree, without the need to sacrifice the creature comforts which make life a little more tolerable.


Time to cut cable:


More and more people are cutting the cord on their cable. Is it worth making the transition? The truth of the matter is that it is easier than ever before. A Roku TV or Amazon Firestick can make it remarkably easy to pick and choose what you want. These things also give you access to thousands of legitimately-free movies and TV shows. You can also invest in any product that connects you to free TV options in your area.

eating out

Stop eating out so much:


There is nothing quite like enjoying a meal on the town. There is also something to be said for grabbing your favourite sandwich during a particularly stressful day at work. Fair enough, but the costs of such activities can climb in no time at all. Meal-planning is a good way to keep enjoying your favourite foods, while also avoiding the temptation to eat out too much. Even cutting back 2-3 times from your current monthly total can get you moving in the right direction. It can also enhance the appreciation and enjoyment of eating out.

impulse buying

Stop impulse buying:


This one gets even the best of us. We try to make shopping lists, but it never quite works out as we want it to. The best way to get around this is to seriously commit to the task of putting together a shopping list. If you are meal-planning, building a shopping list gets easier, since many of your purchases will revolve around your meal prep needs. Still, build that list from top to bottom before leaving the house. Once you are out shopping, stick to that list without hesitation!

name brands

Stop obsessing over name brands:

While you can certainly research your choices, choosing no-name/store-brand over popular name brands is more often than not choosing the exact same item. There are so many instances in which you are literally just paying more for a name. Honestly, what’s in a name?


Charlotte Marshall

Charlotte Marshall

Savings Ninja

Being a full-time content writer and part-time shopaholic, globe-trotter and avid lover of all things food (and wine)...I love researching the best money-saving hacks so that I can help fuel my own passions, and yours!

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